What Does Gambling Mean In A Dream

Dreaming of gambling and losing money


Most people dream 3-6 times per night, although many people will not remember dreaming at all. This article looks at some of the recent theories about why people dream, what causes them, what. Dream about red frog, means troubles and calamity. Dream about black frog, it means witchcraft powers are after you. Dream about yellow frog, It means you should be very careful in your dealings with people. Dream about dead frog, it means 2 things: Good, a sign of prosperity, progress. Bad, a sign of death. If you dream about money, does that mean you are about to win the lottery? This post on poker and money dreams is not talking about the hopes of winning the World Series of Poker (though that’s a damn good dream to have and pursue!), this post is talking about literally sleeping and dreaming about money, poker or something gambling related.

What Does Gambling Mean In A Dream
  • Dreaming of gambling indicates that you may encounter twists and turns. You tend to take some speculative and risky moves in business and life. Thus, this kind of dream indicates a warning to you.
  • Dreaming of succeeding in gambling indicates that a friend will pass away soon.
  • Dreaming of failing in gambling indicates that you will have income.

What Does Gambling Mean In A Dream Mean

Zhougong Dream Dictionary (Zhou Gong Jie Meng)

What Gambling Mean In A Dream


What Does Gambling Mean In A Dream Interpretations

  • Dreaming of gambling indicates that there will be a good fight, the winner in the dream will have much money.